Lately, the movies I've been watching have been foreign and/or independent. I don't go much for the big blockbuster, for some reason. (The movies I mention here are those I've watched at home, not gone to the cinema to see.)
What I find really interesting is that the movies and filmmakers who grab my attention are also those from whom I am put off, somehow. Take David Lynch. I know he's good; I know he's a genius....I just get creeped out watching his work. (Like above moment in "Lost Highway". I remember a guy in the audience laughing - and it was a strangely funny, bizarre moment - but as a viewer I was a little more scared than jovial. And this is like Kubrick's work, too: You know he was good, that he had something important to say and said it through his work, yet there's something strange that keeps me away, like an invisible fence and a border collie. (Just let the damned collie see the movie!)
It's the same thing with literature or anything that's worth it, really. You KNOW "Infinite Jest" is a masterwork; you know you should read it, yet you're put off by its sheer volume. It *is* a great tome.
These things are best approached gradually. Let Lynch and Kubrick and Wallace in little by little. They are a taste worth aquiring, I say.
If one doesn't allow in what's a bit creepy, a bit overwhelming (Proust?), then one must resign herself to watching "Gossip Girl" and going to the grave thinking that was great acting.