Thursday, March 27, 2008

Should I Take Body Guards to the Wiener's Circle?

Good morning, campers!

Got ya some Alpha-Bits there. Did you know that if you put a bunch of monkeys in a room with some Alpha-Bits, they will eventually eat an unabridged version of "War and Peace"? It's true.

Though they are just yards away (and famous for their charbroiled hamburgers), I can't bring myself to go to the Weiner's Circle for a hot dog. Those women in there are vicious. BUT! I have an idea. Right now I work with some of the toughest, trash-talkin' women this side of Pulaski. I was thinking of showing up to the Wiener's Circle with them as my posse to trade in these street witticisms that not even the British could understand. Just a thought. My bodyguards.

Just a thought.


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